Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)
Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)

Single and multiple clamping systems (EN)

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e.g. mechanical collet: For clamping complex workpiece contours for 5-sided machining in the machine tool. Design: The main body is from burnished steel. The collet, which is supplied as standard, has a diameter of 99 mm and is made from anodised, high-strength aluminium. The mechanism in the main body is protected against dirt and coolant. Flanged base for fastening to the machine table. Provided on the underside is the holder for the AMF K20 Zero Point system as well as grooves for positioning on AMF Zero Point clamping modules with indexing. Application: For clamping complex workpiece contours for 5-sided machining in the machine tool. The collet is machined to the contours of the workpiece, with a minimum location depth of 2 mm. Because the clamping force is evenly applied to the component in a radial direction, the workpiece is clamped without distortion. The clamping force can be adjusted via the clamping screw, using a torque wrench for example. Consequently, especially suitable for thin-walled pipes and workpieces. Thanks to the simple collet replacement, various workpieces can be quickly and safely clamped for 5-sided machining. The collet can be milled off to 42 mm, allowing new workpiece contours to be introduced
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