
Ferrite auf wlw: 143 Lieferanten & 588 Produkte online

Deutschland, Forchtenberg
Herstellung von Ferriten, Großvolumige Ferritkerne, Kundenspezifische Ferrite, Ferritbearbeitung, Transformatoren, Drosseln, Übertrager, Wickelgüter, Spulen, Spezialwickelgüter. Als mittelständisch geführtes Familienunternehmen ist die BLINZINGER ELEKTRONIK GMBH seit 1986 in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Elektronikprodukten für die Industrie tätig. Unser Produktangebot reicht hierbei von technischer Keramik wie weichmagnetischen Ferritkernen und deren Bearbeitung über magnetische Bauelemente wie Transformatoren, Drosseln, Übertrager sowie anderer Wickelgüter und Baugruppen bis hin zu kompletten Endgeräten wie Stromversorgungen oder Systeme zur Induktiven Daten- und Energieübertragung. Durch konsequente Marktorientierung und den dynamischen Auf- und Ausbau unserer Fertigungstechnologien haben sich unser Unternehmen und seine Produkte über die Jahre einen hervorragenden Ruf erarbeitet und stehen für Innovation und Qualität. Was uns dabei wichtig ist: Qualität 100% Kundenzufriedenheit 100% Liefertreue 100% Langfristige Partnerschaft 100% Wenn es um hohe technische Anforderungen, Präzision und Qualität geht, dann sind Sie bei der BLINZINGER ELEKTRONIK GmbH richtig.


Ferritkerne sind technische Keramiken mit optimierten weichmagnetischen Eigenschaften. Hier wird ein vorgesintertes Granulat in die gewünschte Form gepresst und in einem mehrstündigen Prozess gesintert.


RM Kern Stufenluftspalt eingeschliffen Diverse Ferritrundschleifbauteile, zzgl. engebrachter Bohrungen, gefertigt aus Ferritvollmaterial Ferrithülse, Innen- und Außendurchmesser geschliffen, Innendurchmesser gehont
Kunststoffgebundene Ferrite

Kunststoffgebundene Ferrite

Kunststoffgebundene Ferrite
Große Ferritkerne / Großvolumige Ferrite

Große Ferritkerne / Großvolumige Ferrite

Großvolumige Ferritkerne für den Einsatz in der Leistungselektronik. Erhältlich in den Leistungsmaterialien BFM8 und BFM9. Informieren Sie sich jetzt – Unsere Experten beraten Sie gerne! Die große Ferrite von Blinzinger Elektronik finden in vielen Gebieten der Leistungselektronik ihren Einsatz. Luftspalte können in die Ferritkerne individuell (mechanisch oder nach AL-Wert) eingearbeitet werden. Ferritkerne von Blinzinger Elektronik - auch kundenspezifisch - Informieren Sie sich jetzt – Unsere Experten beraten Sie gerne!
Softmagnetic Core Material | Ferrite

Softmagnetic Core Material | Ferrite

Ferrite in verschiedenen Ausführungen Ferrite in vielen Formen und Varianten
Ferrite - Standardkerne von Blinzinger Elektronik

Ferrite - Standardkerne von Blinzinger Elektronik

Ferritkerne (MnZn) E, EC, EFD, ELP, EP, ER, ETD, EVD, P, PM, PQ, I, U, URR, RM, Ringkerne Wir bieten ein umfangreiches Programm an hochwertigen und zuverlässigen Ferritbauteilen. Mit unserer Erfahrung von fast 40 Jahren liefern wir weltweit an Kunden in vielen unterschiedlichen Industriezweigen. Unsere Ferritkerne stehen in den Leistungsmaterialien BFM8 und BFM9 sowie in den hochpermeablen Materialien BFM2k, BFM3k, BFM6k BFM10k und BFM11k zur Verfügung. Kundenspezifische Ferritkerne auf Anfrage. RoHS konform: ja SVHC frei: ja
Ferritbearbeitung; kundenspezifische Ferritkerne, Verteilte Luftspalte, Ferrite gravieren für Muster, Ferrite kleben

Ferritbearbeitung; kundenspezifische Ferritkerne, Verteilte Luftspalte, Ferrite gravieren für Muster, Ferrite kleben

Ferritkerne nach Ihren Anforderungen und kundenspezifisch – Blinzinger Elektronik – Seit fast 40 Jahren Ihre Spezialisten für Ferrite. Wir bieten kundenspezifische Ferritkerne in allen gängigen Bauformen. Luftspalte mechanisch oder nach AL-Wert. Ferrite in kundenspezifische Sonderformen und Größen. Ferritkerne mit verteiltem Luftspalt. Herstellung von Kernen im Gravurverfahren für Muster und Kleinserien. Informieren Sie sich jetzt – Wir beraten Sie gerne!
Ferrite Multi Gap / Verteilter Luftspalt

Ferrite Multi Gap / Verteilter Luftspalt

Leistungsferrite mit verteiltem Luftspalt von Blinzinger Elektronik. Ferritkerne mit verteiltem Luftspalt (mulit-gap). Verteilter Luftspalt z.B. im Mittelbutzen oder den Außenschenkeln. Kundenspezifische Ausführungen auf Anfrage.
Induktive Bauelemente & Ferrite

Induktive Bauelemente & Ferrite

Stromkompensierte Drosseln Datenleitungsdrosseln Ferrite Chip Beads Ferrite & Zubehör Induktivitäten / Drosseln & Spulen PFC-Drosseln Transformatoren / Übertrager Ladespulen
Ferrite für induktive Ladetechnik

Ferrite für induktive Ladetechnik

Ferritkerne von Blinzinger Elektronik für die induktive Ladetechnik. Entwicklung und Herstellung. Sie haben Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie uns - wir helfen gerne weiter. Große Ferritkerne für den Einsatz in der Leistungselektronik. Erhältlich in den Leistungsmaterialien BFM8 und BFM9. Als Ferritscheibe für den Einsatz in der induktiven Ladetechnik (Automotive). Materialien: BFM8, BFM9
Ferrite T154/80/45 Mat. BFM6k

Ferrite T154/80/45 Mat. BFM6k

Ferritringkern T154/80/45 Mat. BFM6k: AL28000nH+/-25% Ferritringkern T154/80/45 Hochpermeables Material BFM6k AL28000nH+/-25% Gewicht 2830g Kern unbeschichtet Ringkern schlitzen oder segmentieren auf Anfrage.
Plastic Ferrite magnet

Plastic Ferrite magnet

Plastic Ferrite magnet
Anisotropic Rubber Ferrite magnets

Anisotropic Rubber Ferrite magnets

1500x6.85x7mm Blue colored on entire face of 1500x6.85mm not magnetized Flexible rubber Ferrite is made from the mixture of bonded Ferrite magnet powder and synthetic rubber by extruding, calendaring method. Advantages: Be easy to be machined into strip, roll, sheet, and other complicated shape, and could be punched, cut, drilled, and so on. 1 Stable property 2 Excellent flexibility 3 Temperature resistance 4 Corrosion resistance 5 Age resistance, 6 Movement resistance. Application Fields: Refrigerator Cupboard Stationery Advertisement Teaching equipment Switch Micro motor Sanitarian product VCD DVD Copy printer DC motor Meter motor Inductor Loudspeaker Transmitter Relay Earphone Name card Detailed information: The properties: We could produce the rubber magnets as per your requirement, its energy product is between 0.6 to 1.6MGOe, please kindly check the detailed information in our properties chart for detailed information in the top of the page. The dimension and tolerance: About roll magnets, we could produce the rubber magnets with the following data: the width: 750mm, the thickness: 0.3-1.5mm, the limitless length. If our customers have special request on the dimension, we will try our best to meet their requirement. The surface treatment: We have UV coating, back adhesive, PVC covering, and so on. PVC covering have many kinds of colors, such as white, yellow, red, blue, and so on, we could do it as per our customer’s requirement.
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UI. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: I T UU RM soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: CEPQEFDEPC Soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU RM ER EE soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Nano Core. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: RM. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: P EP EC PQ soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: transformer. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Core grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Shapes grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: P EP EC PQ soft magnet grey: grey
Ferritkern RM6

Ferritkern RM6

Ferritkernsatz RM6 Mat. BFM8, BFM9 Ferritkernsatz RM6 Leistungsmaterial BFM8: AL2600nH+/-25%; PvW/Set <0,42; Gewicht 5g Leistungsmaterial BFM9: AL2350nH+/-25%; PvW/Set <0,40; Gewicht 5g Luftspalte mechanisch oder nach AL-Wert auf Anfrage.
Ferritkern RM8

Ferritkern RM8

Ferritkernsatz RM8 Mat. BFM8, BFM9 Ferritkernsatz RM8 Leistungsmaterial BFM8: AL3300nH+/-25%; PvW/Set <1,20; Gewicht 12g Leistungsmaterial BFM9: AL3300nH+/-25%; PvW/Set <1,00; Gewicht 12g Luftspalte mechanisch oder nach AL-Wert auf Anfrage.